Wear | Life | Eats


I'd been umming and ahhing over buying a pair of dungaree overalls for literally the past year but I just couldn't decide whether I thought they would suit me or just make me look like my 12 year old self..  I eventually decided to buy a pair for my trip to Florida as I thought they'd be cute in the hot weather with a t-shirt or crop top and then I couldn't find a pair anywhere!  Typical.  Anyway, whilst I was in Orlando I visited the outlet mall and what do you know, I found the perfect pair in Levi for only $40!  I then was so excited I proceeded to wear them out that night to the Cheesecake Factory ha.

Madewell (link)

Nothing exciting has been going on except my Florida trip which I have already written my last two posts on.  I was debating whether to do a WLE's Florida edition but thought you might be bored with my Florida posts already so maybe I'll save that one for next week?!

Oh I took Coco and Panda to the vet today to have their claws clipped and they were not loving it one bit!


I'm trying to get back into a healthy eating regime after all the junk I consumed in the States!  This week I've been making stir fries and omelettes for a balanced diet as I think that's important.  My favourite dish was a broccoli and tofu stir fry which are two of my favourite things to eat AND did you know they are both great sources of iron?  I actually only learnt that this week ha.  I am thinking of posting some healthy recipes on here but I will try them out first ;)

Hope you had a good week.  Lauren xx


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